A modern dictionary specifically designed
for those learning traditional revived Cornish
Cornish-English, English-Cornish
Paperback, 300 pages, 5000 Cornish entries
+ separate section of ‘grammar words’
+ 300 ‘outbursts’ to enliven conversation
+ 250 place-names
Standard Cornish spelling
Comes with pronunciation guidance sheet
£11-50 inclusive of postage / packing to any UK address
iacobianus@googlemail.comGerlyver Keskows - 2nd Edition (now available Online)https://www.skeulantavas.com/vocabulary/gerlyver-kescows-2nd-editionEveryday Words in Cornishhttps://www.skeulantavas.com/vocabulary/everyday-words-in-cornish
Many people first take an interest in the Cornish language because they are curious to learn more about the distinctive and fascinating place-names of Cornwall. The key to understanding the meaning of these place-names is language. Most derive from the Cornish language primarily, but many of them have their roots in Old English, Middle English, French, and other languages which have left their mark on Cornwall. Through the tireless and exacting work of place-name specialists, the secrets of Cornish place-names are being unlocked for everyone.
This dictionary offers in a concise format more than 3,300 place-names. It is the fruit of Craig Weatherhill's many years of research, not only into the meaning of the names themselves, but also how best to represent those names in Revived Cornish. The recommendations in this dictionary preserve the authentic and attested linguistic forms while at the same time honouring the traditional orthographic forms which have been visible on the Cornish landscape for at least four centuries. The orthography used in this dictionary can be adapted easily to Kernowek Standard (KS).
Published by Evertype 2009
Price on Amazon UK as at 30 July 2020
£8.95 Paperback New
Five Hundred most useful words - Skeul an Tavas