Stuth 30 Metheven 2020


Ian Jackson


an Army the Army, the military

an wolok dhyragon phr the outlook (for the future)

ancertuster uncertainty

anellans breathing

anhonenus adj unselfish, considerate

arbenegor m arbenegoryon expert

arfedhysogyon gorrys dhe sygerneth phr furloughed staff

arwedhyow par hag anwesva phr flu-like symptoms

asnodhow pl resources

assay cly·nycal clinical trial(s)

bohes y wovenek adj pessimistic

bos in omwith phr be shielding

bos prevys negedhek orth an vîrùs phr test negative for the virus

bos prevys po·sytyf orth an vîrùs phr test positive for the virus

bothel diogely f bothlow diogely protective bubble

bothel socyal f bothlow socyal social bubble

brâs y wovenek adj optimistic

briansen throat

cafadêwder availability

chain a brovians m chainys supply chain

chy cur m treven cur care home

clâv a’n vîrùs phr ill with the virus

clevejus adj infectious

clevejuster infectiousness

clevejy infect

clevejyans infection

cleves wheja nausea, vomiting

clojy m clojiow hospital

clot goos m clottys goos blood clot

colgh m colhow spike (in infections)

coll sens a sawor phr loss of taste and smell

comen-spyrys community spirit, neighbourliness

Covyd Nawnjek Covid-19

Cowethyans Yêhes an Bÿs The World Health Organization (WHO)

cùrunvîrùs coronavirus

cùssulyor sciensek m cùssulyoryon sciensek scientific advisor

daffar prevy testing kit

dassordya an eco·nomy phr restart the economy

dastardh m dastardhow further outbreak

degeans closure (of business etc)

derivadow pùb jorna dhe’n wask daily press briefing

dew vêter alês / an eyl orth y gela phr two metres apart

dornlien paper m dornlienyow paper tissue

dosbarthans triage

dourwith intensive care

dry in dadn rêwl phr bring under control

dryppyn m drypydnow droplet

dybreder adj unthinking, irresponsible

dyscoo·s adj vulnerable

dysêsys yw y anellans phr he has difficulty breathing

dystrybûtyans distribution (of supplies)

enesa isolate

epydemyk epidemic

epydemyth m epydemydhyon epidemiologist

erna vo clôwys nampyth ken phr until further notice, open-ended

esely an teylu pl family members, relatives

ev yw sawyes a’n vîrùs phr he has had the virus [and recovered]

ewnradna ration

fakel skevens pneumonia

fara honenblêsys complacency

fardell scodhya m fardellow scodhya support package / programme

fevyr fever, [high] temperature

fienasow pl anxiety

furvwir adj virtual

fowt cafadêwder non-availability

gallos gorotham emergency powers

golhas dêwla handwash

gorotham emergency

gorra twit phr tweet v

gorthcorf m gorthcorfow antibody

goun kyrùrjery m gonow surgical gown

gwely clojy m gweliow hospital bed

gweythor alwhedhek m gweythoryon key worker

gweythor yêhes m gweythoryon health worker

gwiasva f gwiasvaow website

gwia·synar m gwia·synars webinar

gwil stappys rag phr + verb-noun take steps / measures to

gwithva stoffyes f gwithvaow stockpile

gwynsel f gwynsellow ventilator, respirator

heb arwedhyow phr without symptoms, asymptomatic

hernes diogely personal protective equipment (PPE)

holya-trouvya phr track-and-trace, contact tracing

honenus adj selfish

honenuster selfishness

imûneth immunity

kentrevak m kentrevogyon neighbour

Kescresen rag Biosawder Joint Biosecurity Centre

kescùssulyans an wask press conference

kevarwedhyans an Governans Government guidance

kevrath an morta·lyta mortality rate

kevrath an sawyans recovery rate, survival rate

kildro f kildroyow recession

kyns arwedhyow phr presymptomatic

lêsa spread tr & intr

leunstroth lockdown

level an gwarnyans phr the alert level

lewyor lyfrêson m lewyoryon delivery driver

loneth f lonethy kidney

lowsel an leunstroth phr ease / lift / relax the lockdown

lyfrêson tre home delivery

mainys socyal pl social media

merwel a’n vîrùs phr die from the virus

meth failure (of organ)

mos clâv a’n vîrùs phr catch the virus

neus gwias col neujen [web] threads

nôtya announce

nôtyans sodhogyl m nôtyansow official announcement

nyver reprodùcsyon (R) reproduction (R) number

ol goly in skevens phr lung scarring

omenesa self-isolate

omlêsa spread intr

omsawya recover (from the virus)

o·xygen (o·xyjyn) oxygen

pain i’n vriansen phr sore throat

pandemyk pandemic

pas cough

pas sëgh dry cough

pasa cough

pellder socyal social distancing

pellvetya use video conferencing

peryl m perylyow danger, risk

peryllya endanger (somebody); risk (something)

prenassa ownek fol panic-buy

prenassa wàr lînen phr shop on-line

prevy test

purheor dêwla hand sanitizer

qwa·rantîn quarantine

rag tro phr temporary

resystans resistance (to virus)

rethyans gorotham emergency legislation

scant adj limited (resources etc)

scenaryo a’n gwelha câss best case

scenaryo a’n câss lacka oll worst case

sciensyth omdhonek m sciensydhyon behavioural scientist

scodhyans economyk economic support

secùnd todn phr second wave

sensy pellder socyal phr to social-distance

servys lyfrêson m servyssyow delivery service

Servys Yêhes m (not used with anThe [National] Health Service (NHS)

skevens pl lungs

skew dhyffresus f skewyow dyffresus glass / plastic screen

skit diarrhoea

sosten food (considered as a commodity)

sqwîthans fatigue

stappys dres kynda phr extraordinary measures

stappys diogely phr protective measures

statystygyon pl statistics

stoffya an withva phr stockpile v

stra·tejy m stra·tejys strategy

system imûneth immune system

tanow adj scarce

tanowder scarcity

tardh m tardhow outbreak

termyn strothys phr [for a] limited period

terstuth crisis

teylu ogas / nes close family, close relatives

tomva f tomvaow hotspot

treuscorrans transmission (of the virus)

trewyas sputum

tus ha yêhes gwadn gansa phr people with underlying health problems

tus ker pl loved ones

tylly dre garten phr pay by card

udn mêter alês / an eyl orth y gela phr one metre apart

uhel y beryl phr high-risk; at high risk

uhelboynt m uhelboyntys peak (in infections)

unsys dourwith m unsysow intensive care unit (ICU)

vacsîn vaccine

vîrologyth m vîrologydhyon virologist

vîrùs m vîrùsow virus

vysour fâss m vysours face mask

vysour kyrù·rjery m vysours surgical mask

whythrans (orth) research (into)