We would like to encourage original writing in Cornish by uploading suitable work to this website. Email kernoweklulyn@btinternet.com. Submissions should be written in Standard Cornish (KS), in any register of poetry or prose. We ask readers to bear in mind there may be different opinions about the best vocabulary and grammar in Revived Cornish. This website is not a place for discussion of literary work. That should be conducted directly with the author, or in an appropriate on-line forum.
Whensys on ny dhe genertha lien nowyth in Kernowek, owth ugh-garga gweyth gwyw dhe’n wiasva-ma. Gwrewgh ebostya ober screfys in Kernowek Standard (KS), bardhonieth pò yêth plain, pynag a vo hy rejyster, dhe kernoweklulyn@btinternet.com. Res yw dhe genyver redyor remembra dell yll breusyow bos dyvers tùchyng an gwelha gerva ha gramer in Kernowek Dasvewys. An wiasva-ma nyns yw plâss may hyller dadhla wàr weyth lienak. Hòn yw dhe wil orth an auctour yn tydro, pò in neb forùm ewn wàr lînen.
If contributing, please confirm your authority to publish your work and name as contributor online